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Peace Road Initiative


The Peace Road and the World Peace Road Foundation are global goodwill projects of the Universal Peace Federation. The project dates back to 1981, when the late Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon proposed an international highway that will physically connect all people of the world. The Peace Road initiative promotes two projects in particular: an undersea tunnel between Korea and Japan, and the Bering Strait Project to connect Alaska and Siberia.

Until today, there has never been a road or highway specifically conceived and built as a highway to world peace. The International Peace Highway epitomizes Rev. Moon’s conviction that humanity is one family under God and that if people could meet each other in daily life, through culture, trade, and travel, the historic fears and misunderstandings that often divide us from our closest neighbors would break down.


The Peace Road Initiative seeks to continue this legacy with two major projects: the Bering Strait project, which will reconnect the Americas to the Eurasian continent for the first time in eleven thousand years; and the Korea-Japan tunnel, which will unite two nations, which once were enemies, but which now share a strong economic and political bond.


The World Peace Tunnel Foundation changed its name to the World Peace Road Foundation.


The Peace Road initiative began with an event at Las Vegas, Nevada, followed by programs throughout the world along the course of the proposed international highway. Teams of participants walked, bicycled and drove, with all teams converging in the Korean town of Imjingak, on the 38th parallel.


The World Peace Tunnel Foundation (WPTF) established the Peace Road Academy, for university students.


The first Peace Road Forum was held.


FPU sponsored the Bering Strait International Ideas Competition. The first-place winner is submitted by Taller 301, an architecture firm based in Bogota, Colombia. They propose the creation of a series of artificial islands by dredging and land reclamation at the narrowest point between the Chukchi Peninsula, Russia and the Cape of Prince of Wales, Alaska — a distance of about 52 miles.


The Foundation for Peace and Unification (FPU) was established, which sponsors an international thesis competition on the topic, “The Significance of the Bering Strait Project and the Korea-Japan Tunnel Project from a Providential Viewpoint and Ways to Pursue These Two Projects.”


At the UPF Inauguration, the founders began advocating for the building of a “Peace Tunnel” across the Bering Strait, to connect North America and Asia. Rev. Sun Myung Moon made the following statement:


UPF founders Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon and Rev. Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon suggested the construction of a highway between Korea and Japan, two former enemy nations, at an international science conference in Seoul.

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