South Asia Peace Initiative
In various nations of South Asia, UPF is promoting peace and cooperation through leadership consultations and grassroots activities. Bringing youth from diverse backgrounds together to build bridges of understanding respect and serve a local community are the focus of programs in Afghanistan, Nepal, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. In Nepal, programs focus on reconciling political divisions, addressing conflicts, and cultivating the spirit of one family under God. In India, leadership consultations promote interreligious cooperation and encourage good governance. In Bangladesh, promoting interreligious dialogue and strengthening marriage and family are ongoing programs. Read more for reports.
Until today, there has never been a road or highway specifically conceived and built as a highway to world peace. The International Peace Highway epitomizes Rev. Moon’s conviction that humanity is one family under God and that if people could meet each other in daily life, through culture, trade, and travel, the historic fears and misunderstandings that often divide us from our closest neighbors would break down.
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