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Argentinian "Clown-Physicians" Boost Health Through Love and Humor

Buenos Aires, Argentina –“Love and Humor for a Healthy Life” was the topic addressed by Francisca Flores and Mónica Sudrot, of the Latin American Social Clown-Physicians, at an online forum on October 9, 2023. The virtual meeting was held as part of

UPF’s 10th Peace Education Center Project (CEPA). Participants shared their opinions, questions, understanding of and commitment to social transformation.


Moderator Prof. Julio Nardini, representing the International Association of Academicians for Peace (IAPP), explained that CEPA’s objective is to share wisdom, knowledge, experiences and good practices to advance peace and the common good. It advocates active listening, empathy, mutual respect, and a fraternal spirit of service. It also seeks to provide resources and tools to face challenges with sense and hope, in an intercultural, intergenerational, interreligious environment.


Following his introduction, Ms. Flores and Ms. Sudrot explained how they dress up as clowns to visit nursing and children’s homes. They play games and try to brighten the lives of people who suffer loneliness and abandonment. Such visits “fill our hearts with love,” they said.


Ms. Flores, known as “Lumona Clown,” is a catechist, holistic therapist and sociocultural facilitator. She is the mother of four children, grandmother of three, and adoptive mother to a teenager. When interacting with children, she said, “I feel like any other kid,” as they are very sincere and spontaneous. “Sometimes our cheeks hurt from laughing so much,” she said.


Ms. Sudrot, called “Kilda Clown,” is also a holistic therapist and sociocultural facilitator. She has two children, with her first grandchild on the way. She is committed to the path of service, which she walks with gratitude and a smile, inviting others to join her. “We work through abandonment and distress,” she explained, embracing children and adults with a heart of love.


In recognition of their service, both women were recently appointed as Ambassadors for Peace by UPF-Argentina.


Social Clown-Physicians provide primary health care, including dynamic techniques to promote good health through games and laughter. Their philosophy is expressed in a quote from Erich Fromm, “Giving is more joyous than receiving, not because it is a deprivation, but because in the act of giving lies the expression of my aliveness.”


By Neudir Simão Ferabolli, Chairman, UPF-South America October 9, 2023

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