Argentina—On July 29, 2023 an exhibition in the Patagonian city of Plottier, Neuquén Province, of artistic works by more than 80 artists from 14 countries, launched Peace Road 2023 “Argentina Chooses Peace.” The painting, illustration, photography and poetry exhibition included writers, contemporary dance and tango, with a musical closure and acknowledgements to participants (1).
The “Peace Road” Festival, with artwork by children, young people and adults from different provinces, was managed by artist and Ambassador for Peace Carina Ianni, cultural diplomat of the CONLEAM, the Latin American Confederation of World Writers and Artists, institutional representative of Peace Road 2023 Neuquén. She was supported by Juan Manuel Flores, Plottier’s culture director. This event was held in collaboration with OMAI - World Organization of Integrated Artists, UHE – World Hispanic Union, Mil Mentes México, WWPO, PaxPaz, Mil Mentes México, the World Managers Federation, Expoart, and the Ibero-American Women’s Forum.
Plottier’s City Council unanimously approved the Peace Road 2023 Declaration “of municipal and legislative interest,” as well as the “Peace Road” Festival’s Declaration, created in 2022 by cultural manager Carina Ianni, OMAI-Argentina’s president. The legislative decision “responds to the importance of promoting cultural activities that raise awareness on the collective creation of peace, environmental protection and non-violence. Also, it highlights the community’s commitment to develop spaces of gathering, reflection and creative action which transcend geographical, disciplinary and temporal barriers” (2).
Peace Road 2023 “Argentina Chooses Peace” seeks to develop in all 23 provinces and in Buenos Aires City and the Antarctica: solidary, ecological, educative, artistic, sportive, interreligious and/or intercultural activities. These will take place from August to October and video reports will be shown during the “virtual walk” held across the country on November 26, when all provinces will connect to show the activities organized in each location through Provincial Institutional Representatives (3).
This is a way of joining forces to create a greater synergy and more commitments for common good, appreciating service vocation and concrete contributions to Peace by volunteers and many organizations in many areas, which rely on solidarity and the power of unity (4).
Peace Road is a global initiative held annually in many countries and which has become a world Peace campaign since 2013, in a context of ongoing wars and conflicts in different parts of the planet. It has been held in Argentina since 2015, with walks and bike rides, with a solidary and ecological focus, in Buenos Aires and Córdoba, and nationally since 2020, with Peace initiatives in each province.
1) “Peace Road” Art Festival in Neuquén 29-7-2023:
2) Declaration “of municipal and legislative interest” by Plottier’s City Council:
3) 2023 Peace Road Argentina Guidebook:
4) 2023 Peace Road Argentina promotional videos:
By Miguel Werner, President, UPF-Argentina
Saturday, July 29, 2023