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Christian Leaders Unite to Bring Social Cohesion in Zambia

Lusaka, Zambia – Christian leaders from various denominations took part in a seminar organized by UPF-Zambia and the World Clergy Leadership Conference Zambia (WCLC) on November 16, 2024, at Ndozo Lodge in Lusaka. The objective of the seminar was to equip WCLC leadership and core members with the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes to effectively fulfill their roles in their respective churches and communities. The seminar was attended by twenty-eight Christian leaders.

The secretary general of WCLC Zambia, Bishop Duncan Mboma, gave the opening remarks and outlined the program, followed by the vice president, Pastor Eudora Chisamba, who welcomed participants and offered an inspiring prayer. Professor Bishop John Hardy Mambo, WCLC Zambia president, also welcomed participants and led them in a moment of silence in honor of the late Professor Archbishop Peter Ndhlovu, the group’s first president. He explained the conception of the WCLC Zambia chapter in the year 2022, which was inspired by a conference in Korea.

The next speaker was head of the Interreligious Association for Peace and Development Africa, (IAPD) Rev. Bakary Camara. He explained the genesis of WCLC, its co-founders, and its relationship with UPF. He described the many social ills encountered in society and the responsibility of Christian leaders in tackling these problems and spearheading a stable, peaceful society. He encouraged all participants to spread the message of peace, unity, and reconciliation to every corner of Zambia.

The second part of the program, conducted by Pastor Andrico Tshaba of the Barlastone Family Church, began with a video about WCLC. This was followed by Rev. Jean Augustin Ghomsi, in charge of education at IAPD Africa, shared the life course of the founders, Rev. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, commonly known as Father and Mother Moon.

Rev. David Isaac Phiri of FFWPU Zambia shared a lecture on true family values, and urged the Christian leaders to uphold a high standard of morality as an example to their families and congregations. The president of the International Association of Youth and Students for Peace (IAYSP) Africa, Rev. Mica Amanlaman Camara, shared her organization’s objectives, mission and activities, including character education, to guide youths to play a constructive role in society.

After a delicious lunch, a short video was shown on the Peace Blessing held at the FNB Stadium in Johannesburg, South Africa, in 2018, officiated by Mother Moon and organized by Bishop Mambo.

Next was a presentation on the current leadership, membership drive, and future projects of WCLC. Mrs. Judith Mwila, vice secretary general of IAPD Zambia and an executive member of ACLC, pointed out that good collaboration between IAPD and WCLC will foster peace in Zambia.

Afterward, the secretary general of UPF-Zambia, Rev. Rudolf Faerber, shared with the participants the aims and objectives of UPF and its associations and the five guiding principles of ambassadors for peace.

In concluding the program, the WCLC Zambia President Bishop Mambo announced that he was donating land to WCLC for good use in the implementation of its projects.

Six WCLC Zambia executive members were then appointed as ambassadors for peace. The seminar ended with a closing prayer offered by Rev. Dr. Atlas Sakumuma, WCLC Zambia vice secretary general, and a group photo to commemorate the event.


By Fabrice Djimadoum, UPF-Zambia November 16, 2024

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