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Diverse Community Enjoys Family Fun Day in Sydney

Sydney, Australia – Family Fun Day 2024 was held on May 26 at the Auburn Youth Centre, jointly sponsored by the UPF-Australia and Iraqi Renaissance Inc. for the second consecutive year. The event marked the International Day of Families. Well over 230 people from a wide range of cultures and backgrounds attended this wonderful event. The MCs were Mr. Marcus Zimmerman and Mrs. Ahjeong Yoo, a Youth Awardee couple in 2023.

Welcoming remarks were given by Mr. Ghassan Alassadi, president of Iraqi Renaissance. Then the president of UPF-Australia, Mr. John Adamedes, gave an insightful presentation on the theme, “Family is the School of Love and Peace.” This included a brief introduction to the founders of UPF, Rev. Sun Myung Moon and his wife, Dr. Hak Ha Han Moon, as well as sharing about the worldwide Ambassadors for Peace network and the principles of UPF.

This was followed by a delightful drum and dance performance by the Morris family from Uganda, who also performed a congratulatory dance at the end.

The highlight of the event was the presentation of awards by VIP guests to six couples who have been happily married for 40 years or more – in one case, 55 years – and each was invited to share a few words. Some chose to have photos of their award presentation with family or friends close to them who were in attendance.

Congratulatory remarks were given by Hon. Lynda Voltz, member of Parliament for Auburn; Mr. Yutaka Yamada, chair of UPF-Oceania; Emeritus Mayor Le Lam; Duty Officer Inspector Mark Wakeman of the Auburn Police; Councilor Sabrin Farooqui of the Cumberland City Council, and Councilor Benjamin Cai of the Strathfield Council. A Letter of Appreciation was presented to the Auburn Police by Mr. Soon Teck Lim, president of the Chinese People’s Federation for World Peace.

The proceedings concluded with a vibrant and colorful range of choir, dance and fashion performances from the Nepali, Korean, and Chinese cultures, and a “World Peace Band.” Attendees were also treated to delicious food.

This was a very successful event on a nice sunny day, with a pervasive spirit of peace and goodwill, highlighting again that there can indeed be harmony in diversity as we aspire to be one happy extended world family. The program concluded with a vote of thanks from Mr. Santosh Neupane, program coordinator of UPF-NSW, Australia.


By John Adamedes, President, UPF-Australia May 26, 2024

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