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Mother Earth is Focus of Interfaith Program in Slovakia

 Bratislava, Slovakia – In wholehearted support of the UN initiative to foster dialogue and cooperation between religions, UPF-Slovakia held a program on February 5, 2025, to mark World Interfaith Harmony Week. And, in the conviction that all people of faith should pay special attention to the work of the Creator, we hosted a program entitled “The Creator – Mother Earth – Spirituality - The Sacredness of Nature.” Various faith groups were invited to contribute to this event. 


Mr. Miloš Klas, president of UPF-Slovakia, welcomed the audience with the words:“Solutions to the world’s environmental problems cannot be achieved through scientists alone. All people, transcending the interests of groups and nations, must cooperate.”


Then followed a full and varied program of videos, readings, and movement:

Scientologist Mr. Miroslav Lopušný showed two educational videos calling for action. Rev. Miroslav Rybár, president of the Family Federation for World Peace, read passages from the World Scripture. Ms. Raghunatha Priya, from Hare Krisha, quoted Vedic scriptures stressing the spiritual essence of nature.


Turning to the arts, Ms. Katarína Mikitová from the AllatRa movement presented a filmed dance performance called “Unity.” The poet Mr. Ľubomír Scherhaufer recited a hymn he had written especially for this occasion. The artist Ms. Tatev Mnatsakanyan showed her photo series, “Prayer of Peace.” Ms. Dorota Šimeková read lovely poems about animals and plants from the book “Voices of Love” written by Maria Uhnákova.


Mr. Milan Kozánek, dedicated to Taoism, invited us to do some exercises connecting heaven and earth. Finally, we showed “Bloom,” an animated film based on a touching dialogue between Mother Earth and a small flower.


The evening carried a strong message about our responsibility as humans to care for our planet. We have no alternative to sustain life and personal, as well as planetary, development.


During relaxed chats over refreshments, participants expressed their appreciation about the program.



By UPF-Slovakia February 5, 2025




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