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Peace Ambassadors Bring Christmas Joy to Children and Seniors in Peru

Lima, Peru – In different districts across Peru, UPF Ambassadors for Peace donated their time and funds to bring gifts and entertainment to more than 1500 disadvantaged children and elderly people during the Christmas season.

Mayor Luis Gamarra Alor of Santa-Chimbote Province worked with fellow Peace Ambassadors and UPF coordinator for the Ancash region Mrs. Regina Armas to bring toys, chocolates and panettone to about 700 children and their parents, at an event on Friday, December 15, 2023. From UPF-Peru, Secretary General Jaime Fernández Túpac and José Fernández Flores, as well as Secretary of IAED Valentín Valladares Melgar, traveled from Lima to participate in this event.

The next day, Saturday, Mrs. Magali de Jesús Prado, UPF coordinator for the Piura Region, organized an event for more than 90 children from Upis Los Arenales de Jesús in the district of Veintiséis de Octubre. Ambassadors for Peace in the region helped arrange the entertainment and distribute chocolate and toys to the children.

On Sunday morning, December 17, in Lima, Ambassador for Peace Fr. Roy Jesús Aguirre Huerto of the Universal Apostolic and Missionary Church – Fraternity of St. Joseph performed the Liturgy of the Word and celebration of Christmas at the Angelus Rest Home for the Elderly in the district of San Borja. In the afternoon he brought chocolates and gifts to children in Solar San Judas Tadeo in the district of Rimac, and also delivered gifts to needy families in the Bajopontine District.

On Monday, December 18, Ambassadors for Peace Mauricio Martínez and Betty Palomino distributed free lunches to the elderly and entertained children for Christmas in the district of San Juan de Chacña in the province of Aymaraes, department of Apurimac.

On Saturday, December 23, UPF Peace Ambassador Bishop Aparicio Fuentes Guizado entertained 500 children and delivered food baskets to more than 90 mothers. The meeting was held at the parish of Christ the Risen in the District of Villa Maria, where the secretary general of UPF-Peru, Mr. Jaime Fernandez, attended and gave a Christmas message to those present on behalf of Dr. Trevor Jones, president of UPF Peru.

Bishop Aparicio also shared a message of peace, unity and blessings to all present, and thanked UPF for its support. Chocolate was distributed, clothes and toys were handed out, and the meeting ended with a Mass of Thanksgiving.

The same day, UPF in the Ucayali Pucallpa region celebrated Christmas with 46 seniors. The meeting was held at a home for the elderly in the district of Manantay, and was attended by several Ambassadors for Peace and UPF coordinator Loretta Conde Meléndez. It was a joyful afternoon for the elderly residents, who received chocolate and danced to songs from the region.

Finally, on December 24, UPF Ambassador for Peace Silvia Esperanza delivered gifts to children in the district of Comas. Working with other groups, she brought joy and excitement to hundreds of children, providing them with toys and chocolate to ensure they had a joyful Christmas.


By Trevor Jones, President, UPF-Peru
December 24, 2023

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