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Argentine Peace Ambassadors Meet, Share and Plan on Zoom

Buenos Aires, Argentina – Ten new peace ambassadors joined the UPF-Argentina family during an online event on June 19, 2024. Around 100 participants joined the meeting via Zoom and YouTube, including peace ambassadors from various fields and regions across the country.


"UPF views peace as a spiritual virtue that must produce natural balance: within and around oneself. Peace is the fruit of love, justice, and common good; thus, it requires our commitment," said Dr. Simão Ferabolli, UPF-South America president.


Prof. Julio Nardini, representing peace ambassadors in Argentina, welcomed the new appointees, highlighting their valuable work and encouraging them in their commitment to cooperation for a peaceful society. The new peace ambassadors included community activists, educators, a writer and a musician.


Moderators for the event were Prof. Emanuel Sayavedra, UPF-Argentina secretary general, and journalist Ms. Luba Opeka, who introduced each new appointee.


A week later, on June 26, new peace ambassadors were invited to attend a program on the theme "Peace Leadership: Cooperation Duty and Mission.” Sixty participants attended on Zoom.


In the first session, Dr. Gustavo Giuliano, representative of UPF-Argentina’s Peace Leadership Undergraduate Project, explained UPF’s peace principles and values. Prof. Julio Nardini then spoke on the theme “From Duty to Shared Mission,” explaining how dedicated peace ambassadors can combine their talents for the betterment of the community. 


In the second session, social worker and UPF advisor Mr. Christian Oreb shared a presentation on UPF-Argentina’s initiatives and organization. Mr. Miguel Werner, UPF-Argentina president, explained the “2024 Peace Road Argentina” project. He then provided guidelines for the third session, on teamwork, in which participants divided into breakout rooms for discussions by region, with one moderator for each group.


The Zoom format has proved useful and effective in sharing plans, experiences and ideas among peace ambassadors and activists throughout the country.



By Miguel Werner, President, UPF-Argentina June 26, 2024 


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