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Peace Summit 2023: Executive Summary

Seoul, South Korea—Peace Summit 2023 gathered global leaders in Seoul, Korea, from May 2 to 6 to discuss the many crises facing the global village and a pathway to peace.

The conference theme, “Contemporary Challenges to Global Order: Toward a World Culture of Peace,” called on the more than 700 participants from 68 nations which may include day guests from overseas to consider innovative approaches to leadership and action based on the ideals of interdependence, mutual prosperity, and universal values.

Welcome Dinner

The welcome dinner took place in the Lotte World Hotel, Seoul on May 2, 2023. Emcee Mrs. Blessie G. Dhakal, the International Coordinator of IAFLP, gracefully welcomed the participants. Many of them had just arrived from long journeys. They were happy to greet old friends, take pictures, and sit down to a superb dinner.

Archbishop Johannes Ndanga, Special Advisor, IAPD Africa, Zimbabwe, then offered the invocation, beautifully describing our relationship with the created world. Prof. Dr. Sanjay Pratap Singh, Vice Chancellor, The Assam Royal Global University, India, shared some words of greetings. He emphasized that it was the good legacy of UPF Co-Founders Rev. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon that caused so many good people from around the world to gather as one family in that very room.

H.E. Anote Tong, President (2003-2016), Kiribati; Sunhak Peace Prize Laureate (2015), followed by talking about the ecological crisis that caused flood water to reach the door of his own home on Kiribati. Soprano Kim Jeong-jin performed three lovely songs including, "Oh sole mio," and "Over the rainbow," before Dr. Thomas Walsh, UPF International Chairman, gave an overview of the program and highlighted some of the special features of Peace Summit 2023.

Opening Plenary

The Summit was inaugurated with a beautiful choral performance by the Little Angels Children’s Folk Ballet of Korea. Religious leaders from across the world made their entrance and conducted a water ceremony, including: Baba Kalidas Dahal from India, Father Dr. Emerick Bissila Mbila of the African Union, and Ven. Won Young Jin of Korea.

Dr. Thomas Walsh, chair of UPF International and co-chair of the Organizing Committee of Peace Summit 2023, expressed his sincere gratitude to everyone for their willingness to participate and work collaboratively and multilaterally for world peace. "It has become increasingly clear over the past decades that interreligious peace is a critical and necessary aspect of any effort to achieve the goal of lasting world peace."

Dr. Yun Young-ho, the other Organizing Committee co-chair, emphasized the need for continental unity as a necessary strategy for world peace. “Now is the moment for all of us to courageously unite our hearts and minds, transcending the boundaries of nations and continents, to manifest a heavenly unified world characterized by interdependence, mutual prosperity and universally shared values, in the pursuit of the common good,” Dr. Yun said.

By video, H.E. Donald Trump (USA), H.E. Hun Sen (Cambodia), and H.E. Macky Sall (Senegal) sent congratulatory remarks. In person, congratulatory speakers included Hon. Newt Gingrich, former speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, and H.E. Aziz Rajapaksa, the deputy speaker of the Sri Lankan parliament.

A spirit of peace and harmony filled the ceremony. Keynote speeches were delivered by H.E. Brigi Rafini, secretary general of the Community of Sahel-Saharan States (CEN-SAD); H.E. Maithripala Sirisena, the former president of Sri Lanka; and Mr. Jim Rogers, an advisor to UPF.

Hon. Mike Pompeo, the former U.S. secretary of state, said, "I had the privilege to serve for 1,000 days as America's most senior diplomat. I saw that organizations like UPF, the work of Mother Moon matters. We should not lose hope. We should not stop the climb. We will reach the summit and God will be with us."

H.E. Yves Leterme, the former prime minister of Belgium, said, “Countries that are interconnected, with economic openness and interfaith openness, don’t go to war.”

In the Founder’s Address, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon said: “All of you gathered here today are righteous people whom Heaven has blessed. I pray that we will all join hands together in the historic and providential ranks of those who are blessed and realize the dream of one family of humankind under the Heavenly Parent of Peace.”

Marking the inauguration of the Elders’ Roundtable, Dr. Moon bestowed appointment certificates upon 12 distinguished members of the council. The eminent individuals are connected by continent as the highest-ranking members of the Elders’ Council.

The opening plenary joyfully concluded with a presentation of plaques of appreciation, festive songs and a cake-cutting ceremony to celebrate the 80th birthday of Dr. Moon.

Inaugural Elders’ Roundtable

In celebration of those appointed as the highest ranking members of the world Elders’ Council, Dr. Moon hosted the inaugural meeting of the Elders’ Roundtable.

Congratulatory remarks were given by Mr. Kim Ho-il, the chairman of the Korean Elders Council, and H.E. Alfred Moisiu, the former president of Albania, followed by impressions from H.E. Maithripala Sirisena, the former president of Sri Lanka, Hon. Newt Gingrich, former U.S. Speaker of the House, H.E. Dr. Thomas Yayi Boni, former president of Benin, Hon. Sang-hoon Lee, former Korean minister of national defense and chair of the National Elders' Roundtable, and H.E. Anote Tong, former president of Kiribati and Sunhak Peace Prize Laureate. Dr. Moon expressed her hope that the elders making up this roundtable would share their wisdom of life and practice true love for the sake of our entire humanity.

Concurrent Sessions by Region

Eight sessions comprised the Summit. One set featured perspectives from the major regions of the world: one with a focus on Africa, another on the Asia-Pacific region, then Europe and the Middle East, North America, and Latin America. Moderated by the UPF chairs and regional secretaries general of each region, expert panelists offered their recommendations for a way forward beyond conflict and division and toward harmony and cooperation.

Kosovo’s Prime Minister Albin Kurti said: “We believe that development and growth without human rights, without political pluralism, without democracy, without rule of law, is not sustainable, is not fair and it's harmful for human dignity. We must have human dignity, freedom and rights and liberties for the people, but also overall economic growth which becomes well-being for the citizens.”

Concurrent Sessions by UPF Associations

Another series of sessions featured insights and recommendations from the various sectors of our society, including the political, the religious, academia, the media, and business. These sessions were organized by the international coordinators of each of UPF’s associations, including ISCP, IAPP, IAPD, IMAP, IAED, and IAAP. This approach to peace is collaborative and multi-sectoral. All sectors of society are needed to build a world of peace.

UPF's International Association of Academicians for Peace (IAAP), supported by the HJ Academic Foundation, hosted an international academic symposium on the theme, "Peace Ideology and Vision for a Peace Movement on Each Continent." Scholars from around the world presented on the peace movement, peace ideology, the role of religion in each continent, and the role of the UN and the Universal Peace Federation.

6th Think Tank 2022 Forum

Under the theme “Toward Peace in the Indo-Pacific,” Dr. Michael Pillsbury, senior fellow for China Strategy at the Hudson Institute, a conservative American think tank based in Washington, D.C., served as the main speaker for the 6th Think Tank Forum, which was co-hosted with The Washington Times and Segye Ilbo.

Dr. Pillsbury gave a penetrating analysis of the region’s situation and proposed an interesting scenario for discussion: “If Xi Jinping used force or coercion against Taiwan, it could affect the decision-making of North Korea. The Chinese could even encourage North Korea to create a second front for the Americans, so there’d be two wars going at the same time.”

Among the other speakers: Dr. Kim Geun-Sik, who chairs the Unification Committee of South Korea’s ruling People Power Party; Dr. Chheng Kimlong of Cambodia’s Asian Vision Institute; Korean parliamentarian Hon. Lee Jung Mun; and former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who said Henry Kissinger-era China policies “may have made sense in 1972 or even 1982,” but are no longer appropriate because of recent Chinese actions such as its aggressive stance toward Taiwan.

IAYSP Conference

The International Association of Youth and Students for Peace (IAYSP) gathered young leaders from around the world for in-depth discussion following keynote addresses by Sunhak Peace Prize laureates H.E. Anote Tong, the former president of Kiribati, and Dr. Sakena Yacoobi, the executive director of the Afghan Institute of Learning. The laureates presented on “The Climate Crisis and the Role of Future Generations” and “The Reality of Afghan Refugees and the Role of Youth.” The commentator was Mr. Mounkaila Goumandakoye, a senior consultant to CEN-SAD’s regional youth programs.


UPF Chair Dr. Walsh reiterated the impact of UPF and its track record and reputation as a serious discussion platform for global intellectuals to brainstorm, exploring the direction humanity should take and put into practice. Speakers underscored the important recognition that a collaborative and multisectoral approach to peace is needed, especially through cooperation between nations. The program concluded with mutual expressions of gratitude for the hospitality provided by UPF and everyone’s contribution to making Peace Summit 2023 a meaningful step toward a world of peace.

Media Articles (partial list):

"South Korea Imperatives to Help Ensure Peace on the Peninsula" by Newt Gingrich - The Washington Times, May 15, 2023

Press release:

Recap videos of Peace Summit 2023


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Wednesday, May 3

Session I: Opening Plenary

Session II: Concurrent Sessions

  1. Focus on North America

  2. Elders Roundtable

Session III: Concurrent Sessions

  1. Focus on Asia Pacific

  2. Focus on Latin America and the Caribbean

Session IV: Concurrent Sessions

  1. Focus on Africa

  2. Interreligious Association for Peace and Development (IAPD)

  3. International Association of First Ladies for Peace (IAFLP)

Thursday, May 4

Session VI: Concurrent Sessions

  1. Focus on Europe and the Middle East

  2. International Association of Academicians for Peace (IAAP)

  3. International Association of Youth and Students for Peace (IAYSP)

Session VII: Concurrent Sessions

  1. International Media Association for Peace (IMAP), International Association for Peace and Economic Development (/IAED)

  2. International Association of Academicians for Peace (IAAP)

  3. International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace (IAPP)

-------------------- Peace Summit 2023: Comprehensive Report, Including Program Schedule and Speeches Schedule Tuesday, May 2, 2023


Emcee: Mrs. Blessie G. Dhakal, International Coordinator of IAFLP Invocation: Archbishop Johannes Ndanga, Special Advisor, IAPD Africa, Zimbabwe; Grand President, African Christian Council International, Zimbabwe Special Remarks Prof. Dr. Sanjay Pratap Singh, Vice Chancellor, The Assam Royal Global University, India H.E. Anote Tong, President (2003-2016), Kiribati; Sunhak Peace Prize Laureate (2015) Performance Orientation: Dr. Thomas G. Walsh, Chairman, UPF International Wednesday, May 3, 2023


Video Presentation Performance: The Little Angels Children's Folk Ballet of Korea Emcee Welcome: Mr. Jo Woo-jong, broadcaster, FNC Entertainment; former Korean Broadcasting system (KBS) announcer Entrance of Members of the Head Table Peace Anthem Interfaith Water Ceremony Welcoming Address: Dr. Thomas Walsh, Co-chair, Peace Summit 2023 Organizing Committee Opening Address: Dr. Yun Young-ho, Co-chair, Peace Summit 2023 Organizing Committee Congratulatory Address Hon. Newt Gingrich, Speaker, House of Representatives (1995-1999), USA Hon. Ajith Nishantha Rajapakse, Deputy Speaker, Parliament of Sri Lanka Peace Performance: Mr. Michael Lee Keynote Address ISCP: H.E. Brigi Rafini, Prime Minister (2011-2021), Niger; Executive Secretary, CEN-SAD ISCP: H.E. Yves Leterme, Prime Minister (2008, 2009-2011) Belgium ISCP: H.E. Maithripala Sirisena, President (2015-2019), Sri Lanka IAPP: Hon. Mike Pompeo, Secretary of State (2018-2021), U.S. Department of State IAED: Mr. James Rogers, Chairman, Rogers Holdings and Beeland Interests, Inc. Special Peace Performance Founder’s Address: Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, Founder, Universal Peace Federation Peace Launching Ceremony Elders’ Roundtable Launching Appointment of Elders Picture & Video Presentation Launching of Continental Level Peace Project Africa Summit: H.E. Brigi Rafini, Prime Minister (2011-2021), Niger; Executive Secretary, CEN-SAD Asia Pacific Union Secretariat: Hon. Suos Yara, Chair, Commission on Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation, National Assembly, Cambodia Sri Lanka IAPP and IAPD Asia Pacific HQ: Hon. Ajith Nishantha Rajapakse, Deputy Speaker, Parliament of Sri Lanka Launching Ceremony Founder’s 80th Birthday Celebration Congratulatory Song VIP Introduction Flower Presentation to the Founder SESSION II.A - Contemporary Challenges to Global Order: Toward a World Culture of Peace: Focus on North America

Moderator: Dr. Michael Jenkins, President, UPF International Speakers Amb. Callista Gingrich, U.S. Ambassador to the Holy See (2017-2021), USA Hon. Dan Burton, Member, U.S. House of Representatives (1983-2013), USA Dr. Franco Famularo, President, UPF-Canada; IAPP Canada Rev. Dr. Cynthia Jackson, District Judge, Jersey City Municipal Court; Pastor, Allen AME Church, New Jersey, USA Mr. Guy Taylor, National Security Editor, The Washington Times SESSION II.B - Elders Roundtable

Emcee: Mr. Young-il Shin, former Korean Broadcasting system (KBS) announcer Speakers Hon. Kim Ho-il, President, Korean Elderly Association H.E. Alfred Moisiu, President (2002-2007) Albania H.E. Maithripala Sirisena, President (2015-2019), Sri Lanka Hon. Newt Gingrich, Speaker, House of Representatives (1995-1999), USA Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, Founder, Universal Peace Federation H.E. Dr. Thomas Boni Yayi, President (2006-2016), Benin H.E. Anote Tong, President (2003-2016); Sunhak Peace Prize Laureate (2015), Kiribati

SESSION III.A - Contemporary Challenges to Global Order: Toward a World Culture of Peace: Focus on the Asia Pacific Region

Moderator: Hon. Ek Nath Dhakal, Chair, UPF-Asia-Pacific; Member of Parliament, Nepal Video Messages Ven. Shi Kuanyun, President, Hong Kong Buddhist Association H.E. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, Senior Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives; President (2001-2010), Philippines Speakers Hon. Suos Yara, Chairman of Commission on Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation, National Assembly, Cambodia Hon. Bhubaneswar Kalita, Member of Parliament, India H.E. Matubraimov Almambet, Prime Minister (1993-1993), Speaker of Parliament (1995-1997), Kyrgyzstan Hon. Oyunbaatar Tserendash, Deputy Prime Minister (2015-2017), President of Human Rights & Development Center, Mongolia Rt. Hon. Ganesh Prasad Timilsina, Chairperson, National Assembly of Nepal H.E. J. Uduch Sengebau Senior, Vice President, Palau Hon. So Yuk Choy, Congresswoman, National People’s Congress, People’s Republic of China Hon. Ajith Nishantha Rajapakse, Deputy Speaker, Parliament of Sri Lanka Hon. Dr. Chameera Yapa Abeywardane, Coordinating Secretary to Hon. Speaker of the Parliament, Sri Lanka

SESSION III.B - Contemporary Challenges to Global Order: Toward a World Culture of Peace: Focus on Latin America and the Caribbean Region

Moderator: Dr. Neudir Simão Ferabolli, Secretary General, UPF-South America Speakers Dr. Charles S. Yang, Chairman, UPF-Central America and the Caribbean Rev. Dong Mo Shin, Chairman, UPF-South America Hon. Julio Cesar Cleto Cobos, Vice President (2007-2011), Argentina H.E. Salvador Nasralla Salum, Vice President, Honduras Hon. Victor Oswaldo Fuentes Solis, Senator, Mexico H.E. Rosalia Arteaga Serrano, President (1997), Ecuador Hon. Carla Zambelli Salgado, Congresswoman, Brazil Dr. Jean Paul Vargas Céspedes, Director, Central American Integration System (2014-2018), Costa Rica Hon. Ubraj Narine, Mayor, City of Georgetown, Guyana Mr. Jose Ramon Vinas Alonso, President, Freemasons of Cuba Hon. Betty Beatriz Yaniquez Lozano, Assemblywoman, Bolivia

The session concluded with the appointment of Ambassadors for Peace: From South America:

  1. Julio Cesar Cleto Cobos and his wife, Dr. Natália Liliana Obón – from Argentina

  2. Congresswoman Silvia Waiãpi – from Brazil

  3. Ubraj Narine – from Georgetown – Guyana

  4. Colonel Aginaldo de Oliveira – from Brazil

And from Central America and the Caribbean:

  1. Francisco Rojas Aravena – from Costa Rica

  2. Flor Soraya Aquino – from the Dominican Republic

  3. Juan Carlos Hasbun – from El Salvador

  4. Jean Paul Vargas Céspedes – from El Salvador

  5. Dr. Osvaldo Adriano De La Guardia Boyd - from Panama

SESSION III.C – Korean Elders Roundtable

SESSION IV.A - Contemporary Challenges to Global Order: Toward a World Culture of Peace: Focus on Africa Moderator: Mr. Augustin Ghomsi, Sub-Regional Director, UPF-Southern Africa Speakers H.E. Dr. Thomas Boni Yayi, President (2006-2016), Benin Hon. Petros Vusi Mavimbela, Speaker, Parliament of Eswatini Hon. Maimouna Yombouno, Vice President, National Assembly, Guinea Hon. Hamidou Traoré, Vice President, National Transition Council (National Assembly), Mali Hon. Lawrence Songa Biyika, Member of Parliament, Uganda H.E. Dr. Nevers Mumba, Vice President (2003-2004), Zambia; Founder, National Christian Coalition, Zambia H.E. Hery Martial Rajaonarimampianina Rakotoarimanana, President (2014-2018), Madagascar

SESSION IV.B – Interreligious Association for Peace and Development (IAPD)

Moderator: Dr. Tageldin Hamad, Vice President, UPF International; International Coordinator, IAPD Speakers H.H. Hajji Baba Edmond Brahimaj, World Leader, Bektashi Order, Albania (Speech read by Dr. Arben Sulejmani, PR Director of International World Bektashi Order, Albania representing H.H. Hajji Baba Edmond Brahimaj) Patriarch George Stallings, Patriarch, Imani Temple African American Catholic Congregation, USA; Chair, IAPD-USA Dr. Surinder S. Gill, Co-Chair, International Forum USA; Secretary General of Sikhs of USA Hon. Dr. Mohamad Habash, Chairman, Human Fraternity Center; Associate Professor, Abu Dhabi University, UAE Bhai Sahib Satpal Singh Khalsa, Ambassador for the Sikh religion in the Western Hemisphere, USA Pastor Juan Carlos Hasbun, Senior Pastor, Kemuel Christian Church; Member, Board of Directors of COICOM, an association of Latin American Christian communicators, El Salvador Rev. Dr. Cynthia Jackson, Pastor, Allen AME Church, New Jersey, USA; District Judge, Jersey City Municipal Court, USA Imboni Dr. uZwi-Lezwe Radebe, Founder and Chair, The Revelation Spiritual Home; IAPD Africa, South Africa SESSION IV.C – International Association of First Ladies for Peace (IAFLP) Moderator: Mrs. Kaeleigh Moffitt, President, WFWP-USA & International; Vice President of North America Opening Remarks: Mrs. Moriko Hori, President of WFWP International Speakers H.E. Ade Shirri Dion Ngute Grace, Spouse of Prime Minister, Cameroon H.E. Mrs. Monica Chakwera, First Lady, Malawi Dr. Rajni Kaushal Chand, Spouse of the Deputy Prime Minister, Fiji Mme. Hilda Patricia Marroquin de Morales, First Lady (2016-2020), Guatemala Mme. Shiranthi Wickramasinghe Rajapaksa, First Lady (2005-2015) & the Spouse of the Prime Minister (2019-2023), Sri Lanka Hon. Liza Gashi, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Diaspora, Kosovo Mme. Voahangy Rajaonarimampianina, First Lady (2014-2018), Madagascar Closing Remarks: Mrs. Blessie G. Dhakal, International Coordinator, IAFLP Sunhak Laureates Dinner

Thursday, May 4, 2023

SESSION V - 6th Think Tank 2022 Forum: Toward Peace in the Indo-Pacific

Emcee: Mr. Young-il Shin, former Korean Broadcasting system (KBS) announcer Welcoming Address: Dr. Yun Young-ho, Director General, Universal Peace Federation Congratulatory Remarks: H.E. Albin Kurti, Prime Minister, Kosovo Keynote Address: Dr. Michael Pillsbury, Senior Fellow and Director for Chinese Strategy at the Hudson Institute Commentary Hon. Kim Geun-Sik, Chair of the Unification Committee of the People Power Party Hon. Mike Pompeo, Secretary of State (2018-2021), USA International Panel Moderator: Dr. Moon Byeong-cheol, Chief Research Fellow, Think Tank 2022 H.E. Dr. Thomas Boni Yayi, President (2006-2016), Benin Hon. Newt Gingrich, Speaker, House of Representatives (1995-1999), USA Mr. Thomas McDevitt, Chairman, Board of Directors, The Washington Times, USA Hon. Dr. Werner Fasslabend, Minister of Defense (1990-2000), Austria Dr. Chheng Kimlong, Executive Vice President, Asian Vision Institute, Cambodia Hon. Lee Jung Mun, Member of the National Assembly, Korea

SESSION VI.A - Contemporary Challenges to Global Order: Toward a World Culture of Peace: Focus Europe and the Middle East

Moderator: Mr. Jacques Marion, Regional Co-Chair, UPF-EUME Speakers H.E. Albin Kurti, Prime Minister, Kosovo H.E. Alfred Moisiu, President (2002-2007), Albania H.E. Filip Vujanovic, President (2003-2018), Montenegro H.E. Mladen Ivanic, President, (2014-15, 2016-17), Bosnia and Herzegovina Hon. Dr. Werner Fasslabend, Minister of Defense (1990-2000), Austria H.E. Zlatko Lagumdžija, Prime Minister (2001-2002), Bosnia and Herzegovina H.E. Boris Tadic, President (2004-2012), Serbia

SESSION VI.B - International Association of Academicians for Peace (IAAP) Moderator: Dr. Thomas Selover, International Co-coordinator, IAAP; former President, Sunhak UP Graduate University, Korea Welcoming Addresses Dr. Thomas G. Walsh, Chairman, Universal Peace Federation Dr. Sung-Bae Jin, Chairman, Hyo Jeong Academic Foundation, Korea Speakers H.E. Dr. Nevers Sekwila Mumba, Vice President (2003-2004); Founder, National Christian Coalition, Zambia Hon. Dr. Mohamad Habash, Chairman, Human Fraternity Center; Associate Professor, Abu Dhabi University, UAE Dr. Frank Kaufmann, President of PWPA USA; Editor in Chief of New World Encyclopedia; President of Twelve Gates Foundation, USA Dr. Osvaldo Adriano De La Guardia Boyd, Executive Director, Central America Institute for Public Administration, Panama

SESSION VI.C - International Association of Youth and Students for Peace (IAYSP)

Moderator: Mr. Ronnie Sodusta, President, IAYSP-Asia Pacific 2 Signing of a Memorandum of Understanding, between YSP-Korea and SAKENA FUND Welcoming Remarks: Mr. Koji Matsuda, President, IAYSP-International Keynote Addresses H.E. Anote Tong, President (2003-2016), Kiribati; SHPP Laureate (2015) Mr. Hyeontae Kim, Member of the Seoul Metropolitan City Energy Policy Committee, Korea Dr. Sakena Yacoobi, Executive Director, Afghan Institute of Learning (AIL); Sunhak Peace Prize Laureate (2017) Ms. Bo-Young Park, Public Administration, Korea University

Panel Discussion Hon. Silvia Nobre Waiapi, Congresswoman, Brazil Dr. Sakena Yacoobi, Executive Director, Afghan Institute of Learning (AIL); Sunhak Peace Prize Laureate (2017) Ms. Jung-eun Choi, Mentors without Boarders Ms. Mica Amanlaman Camara, President, IAYSP-Africa Mr. Mounkaila Goumandakoye, Senior Consultant and Expert of the CEN-SAD Regional Youth Programme H.E. Anote Tong, President (2003-2016), Kiribati; SHPP Laureate (2015) Mr. Hyeontae Kim, Member of the Seoul Metropolitan City Energy Policy Committee, Korea

SESSION VII.A - Toward a World Culture of Peace: The Role of the Media and the Economy International Media Association for Peace (IMAP) and the International Association for Peace and Economic Development (IAED)

Moderator: Mr. Thomas McDevitt, Chairman, Board of Directors, The Washington Times, USA IMAP Mr. Kea Puy, President, Club of Cambodian Journalists and Kyodo News, Cambodia Mrs. Shova Gyawali, Director, Nepal Republic Media, Nepal Dr. Sergio Redó, President, Sao Paulo Press Association, Brazil (video) Mr. Guy Taylor, National Team Leader, The Washington Times IAED Mr. Leong Bee Lee, Chairman, Malaysian Association of Canada Mr. James Rogers, Chairman, Rogers Holdings and Beeland Interests, Singapore Bhai Sahib Satpal Singh Khalsa, Ambassador-Sikh Dharma, Sikh Dharma Universal, USA Dr. Jorge Alberto Ceballos Rodriguez, Criminal Justice and International Humanitarian Lawyer, Panama Mr. German Yael Feliz Severino, Journalist, TV & Radio producer, Dominican Republic

SESSION VII.B - International Association of Academicians for Peace (IAAP)

Moderator: Dr. Thomas Selover, International Co-coordinator, IAAP; former President, SunHak UP Graduate University, Korea Congratulatory Remarks: Dr. Sakena Yacoobi, Executive Director, Afghan Institute of Learning (AIL); Sunhak Peace Prize Laureate (2017) Speakers Prof. Mahendra Prasad Lama, Senior Professor, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India Dr. Francisco Rojas Aravena, President, University for Peace (UPEACE), Costa Rica Hon. Keith Best, Member of Parliament (1979-1987), UK; Chairman of the Board of Trustees, UPF-UK Commentators Prof. Heung-soon Park, Professor and former dean of the graduate school Sun Moon University, Korea Hon. Timothy Mtambo, Commander in Chief, Citizen for Transformation Movement (CFT), Malawi Ms. Sagadat Sabitova, UN Expert on Gender Equality, United Nations, Kazakhstan

SESSION VII.C - International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace (IAPP)

Moderator: Dr. Michael Jenkins, President, UPF International; International Coordinator, IAPP Speakers Hon. Dan Burton, Member of Congress (1983-2013); International Co-Chair, IAPP, USA Hon. Annette Lu, Vice President (2000-2008), Taiwan Pastor Paula White-Cain, Senior Pastor, City of Destiny Church, USA Hon. Betty Beatriz Yaniquez Lozano, Assemblywoman, Bolivia Rt. Hon. Petros Vusi Mavimbela, Speaker, Parliament of the Kingdom of Eswatini Hon. Charan Jeath Singh, Minister, Sugar and Multi-Ethnic Affairs, Fiji Hon. Dr. Malte Kaufmann, Member of Parliament, Germany Hon. Ajay Dutt, Member of Legislative Assembly, India Hon. Maimouna Yombouno, Vice-President, National Assembly (National Transition Council), Guinea Hon. Victor Oswaldo Fuentes Solis, Senator, Mexico Hon. Iroshka Lindaly Elvir Flores Nasralla, Congresswoman, Honduras Hon. Lawrence Songa Biyika, Member of Parliament, Uganda Hon. Hamidou Traore, Vice President, National Assembly (National Transition Council), Mali

Friday, May 5, 2023 SESSION VIII - UPF Regional Reports & Strategic Discussion

Opening Remarks: Dr. Thomas Walsh, Chairman, UPF International

Cheon Won Gung Video Presentation North America: Dr. Michael Jenkins, Regional Chair, UPF-North America Central America: Dr. Charles Yang, Regional Chair, UPF-Central America and the Caribbean

South America: Rev. Dong Mo Shin, Regional Chair, UPF-South America

Africa: Mr. Augustin Ghomsi, Sub-Regional Director, UPF-Southern Africa Europe and Middle East: Dr. Katsumi Otsuka, Regional Co-Chair, UPF Europe and Middle East Mr. Jacques Marion, Regional Co-Chair, UPF Europe and Middle East Asia Pacific: Hon. Ek Nath Dhakal, Regional Chair, UPF-Asia Pacific; Member of the House of Representatives, Federal Parliament of Nepal

By UPF-International
Saturday, May 6, 2023

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