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Principles of Peace Inspire Multi-ethnic Group in Finland

Helsinki, Finland – A full day of lectures on Principles of Peace, organized by UPF-Finland in Helsinki, drew an eclectic group of participants on November 30, 2024. Around 30 people from a variety of ethnic and religious backgrounds, both young and elderly, joined to listen and share their views on the timely topic.

The guest lecturer, Dr. David Hanna of UPF-United Kingdom, introduced the fundamental concept that being human involves the urge to fulfil the potential for goodness that is inherent in each person. He said that hope rises from the cognition that life has a purpose and that, as relational beings, people are embedded in families and communities in order to fulfil their purpose.

He said that religions, at their best, are vehicles to guide people away from individual self-centeredness to an awareness of and concern for others, and the willingness to strive for the well-being of others and of a larger whole. 


In between the lectures and during lunch these insights were addressed in small group discussions that proved stimulating and inspiring.

Toward the end of the event, UPF-Finland recognized Mrs. Josephine Atanga, founder and director of Women Designed for Success, for her years-long activities promoting cultural and social integration, and designated her an ambassador for peace.

During closing reflections, Imam Abdoul-Majid Tahirou-Varjonen, of the Islamic Heritage House, emphasized that nurturing family relations is the key for a culture of peace that connects people and bridges religious divides.

Ms. Johanna Broman, nationally known clairvoyant, social activist and author, noted that there is a world of spirit and that human life is eternal. She said if this were taught publicly it would impact everyone’s actions, as people would understand that they are accountable for eternity.The whole day was characterized by inspired sharing. One young participant voiced the opinion that these lectures should be taught everywhere in Europe.

By Hannu Hassinen, UPF-Finland November 30, 2024

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