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Recognition of Outstanding Neighbor for International Women’s Day

Buenos Aires, Argentina—UPF-Argentina and Collectivities’ Satellite Rotary Club – Rotary Club Parque de los Patricios, recognized Norma Pompilio for her values and good practices. This event, hosted by “Nuestra Familia” Foundation, was held on March 26, 2023, during the development of the “Arts Space” in Buenos Aires City, and in support of the 2023 International Women’s Day.

The recognition of this Parque de los Patricios outstanding neighbor stated: “For her service vocation in different entities of the Parque de los Patricios neighborhood, particularly at the Memory Forum and ‘Nuestra Familia’ Foundation, developing, supporting and promoting various educational, cultural and solidary activities at the home for young mothers at risk.”

Norma Pompilio, Ambassador for Peace, a woman of few words but with constant service for others, expressed her thanks for the recognition, which was presented by Miguel Werner, president of UPF-Argentina, along with his wife Alba Luz Tangarife and Susana Bührer, Satellite Rotary Club – Rotary Club Parque de los Patricios assistant. Later, the gentlemen gave a rose to the ladies, a birthday was celebrated, and there was a round of artistic presentations.

On this occasion, poet and writer Norberto Calul recited his poem “La Paz,” which received First Prize (shared) in the 10th 2022 International Poetic-Artistic Contest, organized by UPF/IAACP-Argentina (1). This poem can be found in Freedom, Interdependence and Cooperation – UPF/IAACP-Argentina 2022 Anthology. Forty copies were given to artists during the “Arts Space” meetings (2).


1) Reading of the poem “La Paz” by its author, Norberto Calul:

2) “Freedom, Interdependence and Cooperation” - 2022 UPF/IAACP Argentina Anthology:

By Miguel Werner, President, UPF-Argentina
Sunday, March 26, 2023

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