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UPF-Canada and Lions Club Partner on Peace March in Quebec 

Gaspé, Canada – Lions Club International has recently added to its mandate the goal of contributing to a world of peace. In light of this, at the recommendation of Mr. Antoine Nahas, regional manager for Lions in Canada, Lions Club District U-3 decided to integrate a peace march, in partnership with UPF-Canada, into its convention in Gaspé, Quebec on May 18, 2024. 


Ms. Isabelle Laurin, coordinator of UPF-Québec, decided with her husband to drive the 960 kilometers from Montréal to Gaspé, a magnificent region of Quebéc that she was unfamiliar with. They arrived in Gaspé on Friday, May 17, where they met with Ms. Elsa Cotton, who was in charge of the walk and with whom Isabelle had coordinated the event.


The walk the next day started from the Luc-Germain Recreation Center and ended at the Birthplace of Canada, a landmark building in the heart of Gaspé town. About 70 people, including Lions Club members, their families, and Gaspé citizens, joined the march. Mr. Robert Lapointe, Lions Club governor of District U-3, Mr. Daniel Côté, mayor of Gaspé, and Ms. Laurin launched the walk together.


Prior to the walk, each of them said a few words. Ms. Laurin, on behalf of Mr. Franco Famularo, UPF-Canada president, presented Mr. Lapointe with a Certificate of Appreciation for his diligent dedication to his community.


Following the march, an evening gala presented an opportunity for participants to network with the officials of the region and to appreciate Gaspésien culture.


This event enabled UPF-Québec members to appreciate once again the fraternity of the Lions community, with which UPF is developing a very significant partnership. We share a spirit of service to others, which unites men and women who occupy central positions in their communities with anyone ready to offer his or her time, expertise, or money to support local or international causes.

This friendship and cooperation with the Lions Club encourages and strengthens us in our mission to build a world where everyone can be free to live in peace, and where cooperation and prosperity will be equitably shared with all.

By Franco Famularo, President, UPF-Canada May 18, 2024

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