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UPF-New Zealand Observes UN International Day of Peace

Auckland, New Zealand—In celebration of the UN International Day of Peace 2023, UPF-New Zealand organized a “Peace Road” event, a walk from the Peace Embassy to the Auckland War Memorial Museum in New Zealand’s capital, on September 16. More than 30 people joined the program, enjoying camaraderie after a couple of years without gathering in person annually for the international day.

The opening program started at the Peace Embassy. The participants were welcomed by Mr. Deogsoo Pogoni, a youth representative of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU) in New Zealand and the co-emcee. After a video about “Peace Road” events that have taken place this year was shown, Mr. Kenji Watanabe, chairman of UPF and FFWPU in New Zealand, gave the opening remarks.

The guest speaker was Mr. Daniel Rubin who has been organizing Peace Run programs internationally and locally. He congratulated UPF for holding the event and the worldwide “Peace Road” initiative, which resonates exactly with what his group has been doing. Another youth representative, Mr. Amon Watanabe, talked about his own experiences of traveling the world.

The walk to the Auckland War Memorial Museum took about 20 minutes, was fun and some people on the streets expressed their support.

In the front square of the museum, group photos were taken, which was followed by the presentation of UPF’s statement for peace by Mr. Geoffrey Fyers, secretary general of UPF-New Zealand. Afterwards, one minute of silence was observed for the people who have fought for peace and the national anthem, "God Defend New Zealand," was sung by everyone. Mr. Do Hie Kim, the co-emcee, guided the group.

The program concluded with closing remarks from the President of Women’s Federation for World Peace (WFWP)-New Zealand Mrs. Matapa Shelley and a BBQ lunch, which all the participants enjoyed together in the backyard of the embassy.

By UPF-New Zealand
Saturday, September 16, 2023

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