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UPF-Slovakia Event Exposes Persecution of Minority Groups

Bratislava, Slovakia – In the pursuit of greater understanding of persecuted groups, UPF-Slovakia invited members of the ALLATRA movement to speak about current attacks against them at a meeting in the Peace Embassy in Bratislava on December 9, 2024. The event was timed to mark the UN International Human Rights Day on December 10.

Faith groups are being harassed in 183 countries, according to a Pew Research Center report; even in Europe repression of religious minorities is increasing. Sadly, many faith groups too are biased and intolerant of one another. 

Although hundreds of negative articles within a short period have badly damaged the movement's reputation, the guests were interested to hear first-hand about ALLATRA, which promotes awareness of climate change and advocates for democratic, spiritual and moral values in society.

Ms. Renata Poláková, chairwoman of ALLATRA Slovakia, and Ms. Katarína Mikitová, who volunteers with the group, gave a comprehensive and lively presentation. Both expressed thanks to UPF for enabling them to clarify their position.

“Such events are extremely important, especially today, when mutual respect and open communication need to be constantly remembered and encouraged. Everyone is guaranteed basic human rights, but reality shows that these rights are frequently and systematically violated under the influence of various interest groups,” said Ms. Poláková.

Ms. Mikitová added, “We believe that public education and open dialogue are the keys to positive change. The more we as a society are able to speak out on such issues and work together to find solutions, the faster we can achieve improvements in respect for human rights.”

The video Faith Breaking is Big Business, produced by the group's TV channel last June, was shown. It exposes the fact that, although "anti-cult experts" from groups such as FECRIS and RACIRS have lost court cases because of criminal and civil violations, they can still count on media support. Why? Mainstream media is biased, and faith-based groups are among its preferred targets.

This event familiarized the audience with the ALLATRA movement and exposed ways in which various faith groups are discriminated against. The presentations were followed by lively dialogue between speakers and guests over refreshments. 

By Barbara Grabner, UPF-Slovakia December 9, 2024



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