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UPF Statement for the Global Day of Parents 2022

Written by UPF International

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

UPF International—On September 17, 2012, the UN General Assembly adopted Resolution 66/292 proclaiming June 1 to be the annual Global Day of Parents, “honoring parents throughout the world,” and “invites Member States to celebrate the Global Day of Parents in full partnership with civil society, particularly involving young people and children.”

UPF supports the UN resolution noting that the family has the primary responsibility for the nurturing and protection of children and that children, for the full and harmonious development of their personality, should grow up in a family environment and in an atmosphere of happiness, love and understanding.

Conscious of the fact that the task of good, responsible parenting is of immeasurable importance to promote economic, social and environmental development and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), UPF encourages all regions and national chapters to organize programs in honor of the Global Day of Parents.

Furthermore, UPF calls on member states, government officials, religious leaders, academe, and members of civil society to uphold the family as the building block of society and to honor parents throughout the world for their selfless dedication to provide, protect and nurture their children to become responsible citizens of their nations. 

UPF invites governments to implement initiatives and policies to strengthen the role of parents. UPF recognizes that children, for the full and harmonious development of their personality, should grow up in a family environment and in an atmosphere of happiness, harmony, love and understanding, setting the foundation for success in life. It also recognizes that parenthood requires a commitment to the education of children, our most precious resource for the future.

UPF is appreciative of parents of every race, religion, nationality and culture the world over for their commitment and acknowledges that parents are the anchors of the family and that the family is the cornerstone of society. 

As an NGO in General Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), UPF promotes the UN Global Day of Parents each year, and calls on the world community to honor parents recognizing that we form one global family.

Link to United Nations page:

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