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UPF Statement for the UN International Day of Families 2023

UPF International—The Universal Peace Federation acknowledges the value of the family as the most fundamental unit of society. The family has a unique capacity to socialize and educate children, transmitting values, virtues, ethics, ­the duties of good ­citizenship, and, more general, a capacity to respect and love others. Through healthy family experiences we may learn to embrace and value all relationships in our wider, global human family. Sustainable peace and harmony among civilizations has its foundation in this most intimate and formative social unit of humankind.

The cohesion and stability of the family are prerequisites for a healthy and stable society. Conversely, the breakdown of the family contributes to a wide range of social problems including poverty, crime, physical and mental illness, and loneliness. Therefore, effort must be made to strengthen the family in order to build a stronger base of social capital that will enhance the overall quality of life for everyone.

The natural family is grounded in marriage, the cornerstone of the family. Children benefit when their parents are committed to loving and caring for them and committed to each other in marriage. When providing a secure environment, parents, as well as grandparents, are best positioned to help their children become mature, thriving social contributors to their communities and world.

Our world is facing major challenges due to changes in demographics. On the one hand, the world’s population has now reached eight billion; on the other hand, declining birthrates in many developed countries, and falling fertility rates are widespread worldwide. The social, economic, geo-political, and environmental impact of these demographic trends is enormous, and alarming.

These data underline the fact that having children and the well-being of the family are critical for the future of humanity. Having children is one of the greatest human responsibilities, bringing challenges but also the most fulfilling joys in life. UPF International and our worldwide network of Ambassadors for Peace, stands firmly on the position that the family must be recognized and supported as the fundamental social unit for the future well-being of our global family.

By UPF International
Sunday, May 14, 2023

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