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UPF Statement on the UN International Day of Peace 2016

Written by UPF International

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

The Universal Peace Federation is proud to support the United Nations International Day of Peace 2016 dedicated to the theme "The Sustainable Development Goals: Building Blocks for Peace."

At the opening of the 70th Session of the General Assembly, the United Nations Member States came together in September of 2015 to affirm and announce the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), along with 169 targets.  The SDGs built upon the foundation of the Millennium Development Goals that were launched in the year 2000, the year of the UN's "Millennium Summit," and which had 2015 as their target.  The SDGs now have 2030 as their target date.

It is extremely important that, at this time in history, the global community of nations work together in collaboration and partnership with the various institutions of the United Nations system, as well as with representatives of civil society, faith-based organizations and private sector entities.

Problems such as climate change, poverty, hunger, lack of clean water and sanitation, and inequality are widespread, bringing suffering to far too many members of our human family.  We must do all we can to alleviate this suffering and contribute to a world of peace, sustainable development, and prosperity for all.

The commitment of governments is essential to this task. However, the instruments of governments have their limitations.  And, for this reason, it is important that there be a wide range of partnerships among governments and non-state actors, including NGOs, faith-based organizations, and private-sector businesses.  Through partnership we stand a better chance of achieving success.

UPF is committed to supporting the work of the United Nations and fully endorses the effort to achieve the SDGs.  UPF has a distinguished track record of programs that are fully consistent with the SDG agenda. In particular, UPF has carried out a wide range of programs aimed at strengthening families as a contributing factor to building a stable, healthy society and to promoting literacy and quality education for women, boys and girls. UPF's peacebuilding initiatives—aimed at both conflict prevention and post-conflict peacebuilding—serve to help build stable, inclusive societies.

In 2016, UPF continues its tradition of supporting the International Day of Peace, encouraging all its chapters and members throughout the world to join with others in celebrating this important day and, thereby, contributing to building a world of lasting peace.

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