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UPF Statement on UN International Day of Peace 2023

UPF International—The Universal Peace Federation enthusiastically affirms the United Nations International Day of Peace 2023 theme of “Actions for Peace: Our Ambition for the #GlobalGoals.”

We know intuitively that human actions are linked to the world of the mind, the world of thoughts, ideas, information, values, emotions, and desires. Throughout history, systems and practices of education have been developed in order to cultivate the higher capacities of human beings. Through education we develop skills, knowledge, and, hopefully, insight and wisdom. If peace is to be achieved, it will emerge on the foundation of education that gives rise to an awareness of the benefits and values of peace, in comparison to the disadvantages of conflict and war.

Human conflict and the resort to arms and weapons have their roots in the breakdown of human relationships and the failure to live up to our highest ideals and aspirations. Violence is a symptom of a moral and spiritual failure. If we are to eliminate violence and weapons of mass destruction, we must commit ourselves to a moral and spiritual awakening.

Lasting peace is secured not only through the reduction of weapons and arsenals but, more importantly, by the growth in solidarity among the whole human family and a recognition that we are all brothers and sisters who share a common spiritual and moral heritage. We are one family under God. It is this understanding that gives rise to the collective will to put an end to violent conflict. With increasing spiritual awareness, there emerges a great collective will to ensure the well-being of all people.

As such, we should advance the universal values found in the teachings of all the world’s great religions. Therefore, UPF emphasizes that world peace can be fully accomplished only when the wisdom and efforts of the world's religious leaders work cooperatively and respectfully with national leaders who have much practical wisdom.

Laws alone cannot bring about political, economic, and social reforms but must be undergirded by the promotion of character education, conflict resolution, and a culture of peace. Men and women who are taught to fulfill their moral obligations and responsibilities toward others will respect and live for the greater good and fulfillment of others.

On this International Day of Peace, let us all raise up our voices for peace, and let us work together to build a world that resembles our shared hopes and aspirations.

By UPF International
Thursday, September 21, 2023

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