Lusaka, Zambia – The theme of Peace Road 2024, organized by UPF-Zambia and affiliated groups on August 24, 2024, was “Peace Starts with Me.” The event attracted more than 250 people from different backgrounds, including Christians, Moslems, members of the Orthodox Church, and Miss Peace Zambia. Supporting groups included Sons and Daughters Ministries, the Jewish Board of Deputies, the Chikondi Foundation and Big Tree Company.
As guest of honor, the minister of Lusaka Province, Hon. Sheal Mulyata, flagged off the Peace Road at 11:00 am at the Civic Centre in Lusaka. The participants, representing 19 nationalities, marched from the Civic Centre to the Freedom Statue, a distance of about 2 kilometers. The statue is depicted on the Zambian currency, and is the center of celebrations on Africa Day. It represents freedom fighter Zanco Mpundu Mutembo, who broke the chains he was imprisoned in. Located around the corner from the Lusaka National Museum, the statue is dedicated to freedom fighters and those who lost their lives in the struggle for Zambia’s independence.
Other important guests included Archbishop loannis Tsaftaridis of the Orthodox Church of Zambia and Mozambique, who is also founder of the Zambia/Mozambique Olympic Organizing Committee; Bishop David Masupa, president of Independent Churches of Zambia (ICOZ) and chair of the Interreligious Association for Peace and Development (IAPD) Zambia; Prof. Kaluba Kapapula, vice chancellor of Rise and Shine Christian University; and Rev. Dr. Samukuma Atlas Kamwandi, deputy secretary general of WCLC Zambia.
As master of ceremonies, Mr. Andrico Tshaba, director of education of IAYSP, announced the post-march program. After the Zambian National Anthem was played by the Salvation Army Brass Band, Rev. Samukuma Atlas Kamwandi offered an opening prayer. Mr. Tshaba then explained the significance of the Peace Road, which takes place all over the world every year, as peace-loving people strive toward a united world. Rev. Rudolf Faerber, secretary general of UP-Zambia, presented the background of Peace Road and explained the ideal of the International Highway, which represents the interconnectivity of the world’s peoples as one family under God.
Mrs. Beatrice Muvunda, public relations officer for WFWP, praised the participants for going beyond the barriers of race, tribe, and language, and embracing each other as brothers and sisters.
Bishop David Masupa, IAPD Zambia chair, urged religious leaders to propagate peace and champion unity for a better Zambia and a better world.
Mr. Sotiris Chronis, head of media and communications for the Zambia/Mozambique Olympic Organizing Committee, and Miss Peace Zambia reminded participants of the slogan initiated by Zambia’s first republican president, the late Dr. David Kenneth Kaunda: “One Zambia, One Nation.”
Rev. David Isaac Phiri, president of FFWPU-Zambia, introduced Dr. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon as the initiators of Peace Road, as an event to unite humanity. In Zambia, it seeks to promote unity and reconciliation, to avoid future conflict, and to advocate for dialogue among political parties and religious organizations.
Hon. Mulyata thanked UPF-Zambia for organizing this important event, and encouraged UPF to keep up its efforts to foster peace in Zambia. She said that the government of Zambia recognizes UPF’s contributions to peace, and she underscored the significance of the Peace Road in cultivating a culture of peace.
Finally, the Tongil Moodo Federation of Zambia presented a performance of martial arts “peace fighting” skills. The event concluded with music by the Salvation Army Brass Band and refreshments.
Several media outlets covered and broadcasted the events of Peace Road 2024 in Zambia.
By Fabrice Djimadoum, UPF-Zambia August 24, 2024