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Zambian Volunteers Mark Day of Peace by Assisting the Elderly

Lusaka, Zambia – On September 20, 2024, UPF-Zambia and partner organizations joined the global community to commemorate the UN International Day of Peace. The celebration took place at Matero After Care, a home for the elderly in Lusaka. UPF staff, ambassadors for peace, and other volunteers donated essential food items, including cooking oil, mealie meal, soya beans, and washing soap powder, to 54 residents of the center.

Matero After Care serves as a temporary home for elderly people, as well as individuals with mental health conditions, visual impairments, speech and hearing impairments, physical disabilities, chronic illnesses, and other vulnerabilities.

Mr. Rudolf Faerber, UPF-Zambia secretary general, introduced the theme, “Cultivating a Culture of Peace,” and highlighted UPF founders Rev. Sun Myung Moon and Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon's tireless efforts for world peace. Rev. David Isaac Phiri of FFWPU emphasized the importance of recognizing the divinity in others, saying that all humanity is created in God's image. 

Mrs. Gertrude Mwangilwa Shipeso, deputy officer in charge at Matero After Care, expressed heartfelt gratitude for the timely donations, acknowledging the center's challenges. A young staffer from the center also spoke, expressing her thanks and appreciation for the spiritual sharing, donations, and words of encouragement. She also requested further education for youth.

The program featured songs and dances, creating a joyful atmosphere and demonstrating a culture of compassion, empathy and unity. Following the event, the center management conducted a tour of the facilities for the visitors.


By Fabrice Djimadoum, UPF-Zambia September 20, 2024


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